OER Ghana: IndieWeb Meet Up Navrongo ONLINE ONLY
Join us for our first Navrongo Meet Up Following the Launch of OER Ghana at IndieWebCamp Navrongo
We will meet remotely using Zoom. Participants are encouraged to get together in person in Navrongo or Accra!
If you do not have bandwidth or availability at the time or Meet Up you can complete the challenges without joining us online.
We will re-run the session again at 20:00 UTC if you can not make the earlier meeting. Join us for the later meeting using this Zoom link
The Challenges
We will kick off the program completing our first three challenges. Our goal is to try to come to ashared understanding of Open Educational Resources and IndieWeb.
Hack Time
After the first three challenges are completed participants will have the option of getting a their free website. We will review the Known platform and have time to hack on our personal websites. As participants in this hybrid program we hope you take time in between our meet ups to work on your website.