IndieWebCamp Portland 2024

August 25, 2024
Grand Stark Study Hall
509 SE Grand Ave., Portland, Oregon

A one day IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 is planned for August 25th, the day after the XOXO conference and festival! We're gathering around a large 8-person table (or two or more) at the Grand Stark Study Hall Meeting Room on the first floor for IndieWeb discussions sessions, creating/hacking time, and demos! Doors open at 8am, breakout sessions at 10am, demos at 4pm, camp cleanup 5pm.

  • 10 IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 participants standing and kneeling a bit in two rows inside a hotel lobby.10 IndieWebCamp Portland 2024 participants standing and kneeling a bit in two rows inside a hotel lobby.
