Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
The Homebrew Website Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are building, or thinking of building, their personal websites. The meeting is an informal setting where you can talk with others, get inspiration, or quietly work on your site.
Homebrew Website Clubs are run across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.
For now, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks, and the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.
Last event of 2020 As it's the last event this year, we'll do something a bit different - let's look back at this last year, and see some of the good that's come out of it.
1730-1735: 👋 Event start
A few words to say welcome, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for the session.
1735-1830: 🤫 Quiet writing / working time
A quiet time where you can work on what you want:
- ✍️ Working on a blog post?
- ⛏️ Building something new for your site?
- 🐛 Annoying bug on your site you can fix?
You don't need to join the call, but if you do, you don't need to have your audio/video on.
1830-1905: 📺 Year in Review Demos
What's happened this last year? Show off your site, any personal projects, or any big life events that have happened.
1900-1905: 📸 Photo Time!
It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you want to participate, or turn your camera off if not.
1905-1930: 📺 Year in Review Demos (cont)
What's happened this last year? Show off your site, any personal projects, or any big life events that have happened.
1930: 👋 Event end
A few closing remarks, and mentioning when the first event of 2021 will be.
As December is a pretty busy month, this week's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham will be the last of the year - so we're going to look back at the year, and try to see some of the good in it. Note that it's on Thursday, not Wednesday!