Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io
Webmentions haven't really been revisited in some time (and with the advent of people leaning to Webmention.io). This is a chance to see what's been really wanted, what hasn't worked and where we can go with it.
Let's webmunch on the riddle of webmentions. How can we get more people hosting their own webmention sending, receiving, and validating?
How can we prevent Webmention.io from being the beginning and end of IndieWeb participants' use of webmentions?
Ana Rodrigues
Kevin Marks
David Somers
Ryan Barrett
Barry Frost
David Shanske
John Evdemon
Chris Aldrich
Wouter Groeneveld
Marty McGuire
Jamie Tanna
Manton Reece
Aaron Parecki
Blog Posts
by jacky.wtf on May 11, 2021
Host your own webmention receiver
by Wouter Groeneveld on May 16, 2021
Building a webmention receiver
by Barry Frost on May 15, 2021
Potential Topics for HWC Americas
by Maxwell Joslyn on May 13, 2021
Note to self: attend the Indieweb event "Webmenti...
by Wouter Groeneveld on Apr 24, 2021
I'm looking forward to the #IndieWeb pop-up session tonight (https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA) to talk about how we can improve the #Webmention experience for new IndieWeb folks
Looking forward to attending Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io
Looking forward to this IndieWeb Popup! Despite my occasional salty-sounding post about Webmention I am very optimistic about their power as a tool for the web.
In reply to: IndieWeb Events...
I'm definitely interested in this discussion about the future of webmentions. Although I found it easier than expected to implement my own endpoint, once I dove into the spec, I am still of the opinion that things need to be much easier to implement.
I am reliant on a couple of PHP libraries and what I have cobbled together likely isn't terribly robust so, if the desire is for more people to use webmentions without resorting to the webmention.io service, then there needs to be a better way. What that is I can't say.
I don't know if I'll be able to attend the discussion, or if I'll be able to have any meaningful contribution, but believe webmentions are a fundamental building block of constructing a better web that is not in thrall to the large social media organisations.
Hoping to pick up some inspiration in this webmention session next month. (And I think this is my first actual webmention RSVP!)
In reply to https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA.
RSVPs interested.
I have a prior engagement on that day, but maybe I’ll be done with that in time. 8pm CEST is a great time for these things.Looking forward to this Webmentions pop-up session next month.