IndieWebCamp Austin

February 22 - 23, 2020
Capital Factory
701 Brazos St, Austin, Texas

IndieWebCamp Austin 2020 is a gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.

Own your data.

We should all own the content we're creating, rather than just posting to third-party content silos.

Publish on your own domain, and syndicate to social media.

Be a part of advancing & growing the open independent web with the latest in decentralized web technologies.


To get to the Capital Factory, enter through Omni Hotel, then look for the glass conference rooms with "IndieWebCamp" signs.


Please visit the IndieWeb wiki for the detailed schedule of the two days!
