ONLINE: Homebrew Website Club West Coast
Now Online Only
Join the Zoom call: https://washington.zoom.us/j/92181206675
Out of an abundance of caution regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus), we have decided to switch the April 22nd meetup to be online-only.
We will provide a Zoom video conference link 20 minutes before the meetup here and in the IndieWeb chat, #indieweb-chat on Freenode.
Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for anyone interested in personal websites and a distributed web.
Whether you’re a blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, this meetup is for you!
Join a gathering of like-minded people and get friendly support with writing, creating, and anything to do with using and improving your own website!
Please read through our Code of Conduct before attending.
Schedule Overview
- 6:00pm–7:00pm: IndieWeb Meetup
- Demos of personal website breakthroughs
- Discussion around the independent web
- Get to know other members of the IndieWeb!
- 7:00pm–8:00pm: Co-working Hour
- Finish that blog post you’ve been working on
- Have a breakout session to go deeper on a topic
- Contribute to the IndieWeb!
Detailed Schedule
0) Pre-Meeting (~ 15 minutes)
- Host creates virtual space that can support a video chat for a small / medium group of people
- Host creates / clones and fills in details about event on https://events.indieweb.org
- Host familiarizes themself with whatever virtual space was selected
- Everyone is welcome to invite anyone who has attended previous HWC in the area or who might be interested in attending
1) Arrive / Mingle / Unstructured Conversation (~ 5 minutes)
2) Introductions (~ 15 minutes)
- Each attendee, beginning with Host, is given time to cover some / all of the following:
- Name, URL, what you'd like to do next with your personal site
- Something new you created on / for your site since the last time you attended
- Questions about anything you're stuck on about your personal site
- Notable indieweb / ownyourdata related press / events
- Once current speaker is done, they select who will go next until everyone has spoken
3) Group Photo #1 (~ 2 minutes)
- Host announces that a screenshot is going to be taken for the event page and weekly newsletter
- Everyone is given some time to turn their video on / off as they prefer
4) Lean Coffee Kanban Voting (~ 10 minutes)
- Everyone writes down the topic(s) that they would like to discuss as a group in #indieweb-chat
- Each topic is assigned a number by Host who decides when to close the call for topic submissions
- Everyone posts their preference via a list of numbers, ordered with highest interest first
5) Lean Coffee Discussion (~ 1 hour)
- Topics are dicussed in order of group consensus
- Host starts a timer when discussion begins
- At ~10 minutes, a Roman vote (up/sideways/down) is taken to determine whether to keep on the same topic
- If the topic is voted up, Host adds ~5 minutes to the timer before calling for another vote
- If the topic is voted down, the group moves onto the next topic, this pattern repeats until time runs out
6) Co-working Space (~ 45 minutes)
- Find others that might be interested in similar topics
- Help newcomers getting started with their personal sites
- Make sure everyone has RSVPed to the event
7) Group Photo #2 (~ 2 minutes)
- Host announces that a screenshot is going to be taken for the event page and weekly newsletter
- Everyone is given some time to turn their video on / off as they prefer
8) Closing Round (~ 10 minutes)
- Each attendee, beginning with Host, is given time to cover some / all of the following:
- Meeting evaluation / feedback / suggestions
- Appreciations / Goodbyes
9) Post-Meeting (~ 10 minutes)
- Host uploads group photo(s)
- Everyone combines and uploads notes from the meetup
- Official Wiki Page, https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
- Event listings, https://events.indieweb.org/tag/hwc
- Chat location, https://indieweb.org/discuss
- IndieWeb RSVP, https://indieweb.org/rsvp
- Code of Conduct, https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct
- Lean Coffee, https://leancoffee.org/
- Zoom Tips for Hosts - https://indieweb.org/Zoom#Tips_for_Hosts
RSVP (optional)
If your website supports it, post an indie RSVP. Or, log in to indieweb.org and click “I'm Going” below. (And if none of that means anything to you, don't worry about it; just show up!)