Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham (Hacktoberfest edition)
As the month of October is a month-long celebration of GitHub-hosted Free and Open Source projects known as Hacktoberfest, Homebrew Website Club Nottingham will be run as a Hacktoberfest-themed event.
Does my Hacktoberfest have to be Homebrew Related?
No! It doesn't need to be even tangentially related to Homebrew Website Club, nor the IndieWeb. I want to use Homebrew, as an event that I organise, as a way to make a space for others to come and contribute. I realise not everyone attending will be coming with a website, or necessarily an interest in the IndieWeb - and that's completely OK! I would rather have folks coming with a space to work alongside others, and if anyone does work on these technologies, that's a bonus.
The format of the event will be similar to Homebrew Website Club Nottingham but will be more open for chatter and asking of questions to other attendees.
1730-1735: 👋 Event start
A few words to say welcome, and explain the format for everyone.
1735-1745: Intro to Hacktoberfest and Free and Open Source Software
We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for the session.
1745-1750: Project ideas
This is a chance to go around the room and see if anyone has anything they're planning on working on, or if you can get any ideas for what to work on.
1750-1900:👩💻 Social / co-working time
Time to work on the contribution you're hoping to make, with the chance to chat with other attendees as you're going.
1900-1905: 📸 Photo Time!
It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you want to participate, or turn your camera off if not.
1905-1930: 📺 Demos
If you're in a position to share what you've worked on - even if it's not fully ready - it's great to share what you've done!
1930: 👋 Event end
A few closing remarks, and talking about when the next event will be.
In a scary turn of events, it's already October! But that means it's #Hacktoberfest, which is super exciting - reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham on Wednesday which will be Hacktoberfest themed - I hope to see you there for some Free and Open Source contributing! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/09/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-hacktoberfest-edition--dTrYgmFEBZff