IndieWebCamp Popup: Sensitive Data on Your Personal Website

June 26, 2021


Let's come together to discuss using our websites to host, post, share, and store sensitive data, including medical records, habit logs, personal media files, and private writing.

What are the use cases for posting sensitive data on your own website? What plumbing is needed to host and share sensitive data within (and outside) the IndieWeb? What even is "sensitive" data, anyway?

Session Facilitator: Maxwell Joslyn


Hashtag: #verysensitivedata Etherpad for collaborative notes:

11-11:05 | Welcomes and introductions

11:05-11:10 | Read, create, and vote on topics

Rest of time | Vigorous discussion!

The wiki page for this event lists numerous potential topics for this session. Please feel free to add to that page, bring up discussion topics in an RSVP post, or propose something at the start of the event.

What's an IndieWeb Popup?

Since the pause on in-person meetups, we've done online Indie Web Camps and Homebrew Website Clubs. We've also started having a new type of event called a popup: a single IWC session as a standalone event.

Until now, popups have been infrequent and irregular. However, for the next few months, we'll be trialing a monthly popup, usually on the last weekend of the month, with the topic to be announced the month before.
